I miss my baju kurung =(
Its kena color else, and now it got many 'special' flower on there.
My sweet clothes, I promise I will always miss you =)
Done my addmath project yesterday haha.
My teacher was seriously gave a shock to me.
She told us that the project can be pass up at Thursday (tomorrow).
and on Tuesday she announced that the project must pass up at that day.
Totally almost turn to 'crazy murdered' when I heard that.
My addmath teacher said she will not accept any project after Tuesday.
Luckily, she still very 'kindly' to give us the time to done this project.
So I pass up today =) Thank you teacher =)
This project is went smoothly, although there are many problem while we print it out.
PS: I realized that I 'm a machine-idiot,I dont know how to use printer until my brother teach me.
Always printed the same page, waste my ink and paper = =
My brother just click a few button then the problem solved.feel ashamed haha.
People helps someone its not wish to get any repay.
But also not wish to get some words of ironical.
Beware yourself, last warning.